Monday, May 18, 2009

Announcement: Implementation of Phantom as Master Thesis

To all people involved or interested in this project:
Searching for a topic for my Diplomarbeit (~ Master Thesis) a friend (Leslie) told me about this project and after reading through the white paper, I felt it would be great if Magnus' concept could become reality.
So I formulated a thesis covering the basics of the protocol and looked for a thesis supervisor, which I found in Lars from FoeBud (a German civil rights and data privacy organization, similar to the Electronic Frontier Foundation).

So what does that mean for this project?

It means that for the next six months I will spend most of my time working on this project, hopefully getting it to a point where the remaining implementation steps can easily be distributed on other project members.

Since it is hard to estimate the required time for the thesis, I will first focus on the "setting up of the routing path" and then see how much further I can get from there within the time limit.
Since I will be focusing my time on this project, I can as well help Magnus in coordinating individual efforts to further this project, so please, everyone who wants to help this project, contact me and Magnus now! As long as I mark which parts of the code originate from me, and which originate from other people's efforts, this will be no problem (concerning the "no help allowed" clause in master theses). This clause also doesn't mean you can't give me valuable advice, and help me with problems I'll definitely run into! ;)

So where to start from?

I will start by looking a bit into cross platform development and network application programming (TCP, OpenSSL stuff), before getting started on the design. If anyone of you knows good resources for these fields, please forward them to me in the Mailing List or using Blog
Comments. Afterwards I will begin defining Interfaces and creating a UML diagram / a general implementation map of the protocol. And then I guess I can start by implementing base classes.

Let's bring anonymity to a new level!
